At 15 all I was thinking about was "I just want to grow up!". Being in high school and under my parents roof was the worst. Dreaming of my life and wanting to be on my own, living in New York and performing on Broadway.
Fast forward to now, being 50, divorced, a mom of 2 teenagers and a nurse... this is not where I thought I would be
Through life, love, loss, tragedies and everything in between- I have come to a realization- I have realized that I have no F*$%in clue what all life can and will do to you.
Yet, here I am trying to heal. I have created this blog for everyone and anyone- not to give advice, but a connecting space. Through my experiences, trials and tribulations, the energy and freedom that is needed and felt to understand the stages that seem unbearable to get through. Nothing will be off limit and there will be some stories that may not be so pretty, but isn't that how it should be- talking about what no one wants to talk about or what is thought and never said.
I invite you to join me on this journey and chime in whenever you see fit to.
...And the journey begins now
15 to 50... and everything in between
hell yea mom!!!
Love the idea and concept for your blog! Off to a great start in my opinion. Wishing you loads of success!
I’m so proud of you sweetheart! This is an excellent idea and platform
Love this idea!!
I remember when we used to dream that… Me in the teenage years- from wanting to live in a big city, have a dog, a jeep & become a fashion designer to actually being an insurance agent.. how the hell did that happen & can I still be what I wanted when I grew up!?
who knew I’d be rocking gray hair at 50, trying to help 2 daughters through college & planning how retirement looks with my partner of 30 years.
Life has a way of making its own path, good- bad & the ugly, with or without our participation.
I love you, my dearest friend ♥️
may only the best things be…
Allow me to be the first! I will be 64 in a few months. Just glancing in the rear view mirror, I haven't a fucking clue how I got here! Wasn't supposed to be like this at all. Yet, this is what I have and it ain't all that bad. There is a story behind all this and that is for another time. Right now, let's all get on the short bus and just see where the hell it takes us!